Can I go home now?

Going to college is a scary thing by itself. What’s even scarier is going away to college. This means you’re leaving your house, your family, and your friends all at the same time. Going away to college can mean you’re moving 7 hours away, or it can mean moving a half hour away. It just means you are moving out of your house to go to college. How far you are away from home isn’t what matters though. Everyone at some point goes through homesickness whether or not it’s what they want to call it. Let’s talk about some simple ways to combat homesickness.

Establish a routine

One of the easiest ways to combat homesickness is to get into a routine. This does take a little bit of time, but it is very helpful in the end. I was the kind of person where if I had time to think about being home, I would start to get really upset. In order to stop that from happening, I established a routine. It is comforting to have something to fall back on when you are away from home. The routine can include anything you like. You can even schedule time to miss home if that’s what works for you. Whatever you decide, keep it the same. College will start to feel like home just because of the routine.

Join a Club

Yes, I know, we’ve talked about this before. It really does help when trying to combat homesickness. First, it adds to your routine. This keeps you on a schedule and busy, so you don’t have to think about home so much. Second, it gives you a group of people with similar interests. You are probably going to be able to see these people outside of the meetings. It will allow you to build a family type unit at school. You can learn to depend on one another and work through problems together. Remember, these relationships are not spontaneous. Forming them may take time and cause frustration. Just don’t give up right away. Eventually, the friendships will develop, and you will have your own “family.”

Make time for your family 

Sometimes you need to see/talk to your family and friends from back home. It is okay. Do not think that you are not an adult because you want to talk to your mom or dad. It’s okay to miss them, and it’s okay to talk to them. They are a huge part of your life, and they still care about you. So go ahead and Skype or FaceTime. You can even go home on the weekends if that’s what you need. Don’t let what other people are doing dictate what you are going to do. If you want to stay at school, stay. If you want to go home, go home. It’s ultimately your decision, so do what makes you happy. Don’t forget to check in with your friends at home too. They can make you laugh and remind you that friendships take time.

Homesickness is a reality when going away to college. Sooner or later we all have moments where we miss home or our families. It doesn’t make us weak or childish. Admitting that you need people in your life takes courage. College is all about finding yourself and becoming the person you want to be. It’s okay for that person to need his/her mom and dad. Whatever decisions you make about being home, let them be from you and not other people.

Stop back next week for tips on how to stay organized in college.

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